From China's leading first-class refractory metal products supply consulting service provider
Our facilities in China produce high quality metalworking materials ideal for industrial, medical, aerospace, chemical, deep sea, construction and other applications. With state-of-the-art technology and skilled technicians, we offer customization options to ensure that our products meet your exact needs. Cooperate with us to provide reliable, durable and competitively priced metal products.
Zirconium has very low thermal neutron absorption cross section, high hardness, ductility and corrosion resistance.
The anodic oxide film of tantalum is stable, corrosion resistant, and has excellent dielectric properties.
Used in electronics, electric light source industry, aerospace, casting and other applications
Hafnium is a good alloy material with ductility, oxidation resistance and high temperature resistance
High temperature heating element, radiation protection screen, extrusion die, forging die, etc
It can be used as materials for electronic tubes, precision alloys, nickel-based corrosion-resistant alloys, etc
The deep sea environment is extremely harsh. The seawater is rich in salt, dissolved oxygen and various minerals, and is highly corrosive. A dense, highly adhesive oxide film can form on the surface of titanium alloy, which can effectively prevent seawater from corroding the inside of the material.
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Med vår omfattande bearbetningskapacitet kan vi producera zirkonium stavar, plattor, rör, trådar, fästelement, deglar med mera till dina exakta dimensioner.
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Hög densitet volfram legering är en hög densitet legering material med volfram som huvudkomponent och tillsatta element som nickel, järn och koppar. Den har hög hållfasthet och hårdhet, samt god seghet och korrosionsbeständighet. Det används i stor utsträckning inom flyg, industriell tillverkning, elektronik och el, verktygstillverkning och andra i